Interested in joining sheCodes?

public static void aboutsheCodes {

sheCodes is Cal Poly Pomona’s ACM-W chapter. We aim to create a community for underrepresented groups within Computer Science by advocating for them both on and off campus. We achieve this mission through our values:


sheCodes strives to have everyone feel that they are known and belong to our community. We advocate for inclusiveness for all students and allow everyone to be heard. sheCodes does this through our mentorship program and engaging in an inclusive community.


We strive to empower others through outreach in our Future Women Developers (FWD) Conference and annual STEAM fair. Our community fully believes that we should be supporting the next generation of engineers and equipping them with the tools and confidence.


sheCodes understands that there is always room to learn and grow more. Whether this is technologically, personally, or professionally—we believe that we must take any opportunity to grow in all dimensions. We do this through Semester-Long Projects (SLP) during the fall and hosting workshops aimed towards professional and personal growth. Check out some of the projects here!

public static void upcomingEvents {

Fall 2024 Meeting Times

Meetings are every Thursday from 12pm to 12:50pm (U-hour), location: Building 8 Room 4

sheCodes' schedule will be updated monthly here!

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Leetcode with sheCodes

We will be hosting coding sessions, dedicated to reviewing and discussing LeetCode questions to help prepare you for technical interviews. These sessions will provide an opportunity for participants to engage with the coding challenges featured in our newsletter. We will also be having an AWS representative host workshops on various topics based on interest. These workshops will be alternating biweekly!

Meeting Room: Building 8 Room 4

Time: 1-2PM(Leetcode sessions) & 12-1PM (AWS Workshops)

Leetcode Session Dates: Sep 6, Oct 4, Nov 1, Nov 29

AWS Workshop Dates: Sep 20, Oct 18, Nov 15

Join us as we explore and analyze the LeetCode problems, share insights, and foster a collaborative learning environment.

public static void getInvolved {

Mentorship Program

The mentorship program matches members in the club with a mentor. The mentor helps the mentee with class selection, internship searches, moral support, academic advice, and generally becomes a much-needed, loving guide to achieving success as a woman in CS.

Mentorship applications have closed for the Spring semester but will reopen in the Fall. For more information for our Mentorship Program, contact our Mentorship Chair: Ngoc Chau Nguyen through sheCodes Discord!

Future Women Developers (FWD) Conference

Once a year during Spring semester, sheCodes invites middle/high school women to participate in a day filled with interactive workshops and fun activities to expose them to computer science. The Future Women Developers (FWD) program gives young women a taste of the tremendous creativity and innovation involved in computer science, engineering, or career in science. It gives young women tangible ideas about how these fields can help change the world through practical projects.

Semester-Long Projects (SlP)

This is a great opportunity for participants to gain group experience outside of the classroom and to gain knowledge of a specified area of computer science. Mentors will have the opportunity to lead and to teach their own project to a group of 4–5 participants. SLP also includes workshops and a Demo Day that are hosted during the fall semester!

SLP 2022 applications have closed for the year. Thank you everyone who signed up and congrats on finishing your projects! We're proud of all of the hard work you've done! For more information about SLP, contact our Interval Vice President: Tiffany Truong through sheCodes Discord!

Company Panels

sheCodes organizes company panels to help members learn more about companies and get insight on different fields within computer science and technology. Previosuly, we've brought in Software Engineers from: Google, Esri, BlueBeam, Target, Starbucks, ChowNow, etc.

Social Events

Want to hang out and meet other members from the club? Come to our socials! Hosted by our Social Chair, Hasti Abbasi Kenarsari, there will be a few social events throughout the semester. In the past we have held boba/trivia, Halloween game night, Secrent Santa and many more!
public static void resourcesForStudents {

Computer Science Student Resources

As a Computer Science major, there are specific classes one must take in order to graduate. Here is: List of Courses and the Roadmap. If you have questions regarding courses, the pledge, career, change of minor, etc. Please visit advising center.

All Resources

If you have questions regarding admissions, academic, campus life, etc. Please visit CPP resources.

Anyone information you would need about the CS Department, visit the CPP Computer Science Department Website.
public static void FAQs {

What is the difference between General Members and Paid Members?

Who can join sheCodes?

How is sheCodes styled?

Don’t have a project/experience to put on your resume?

Missed the internship applications deadlines?

public static void executiveBoard {
Erika Ledesma
Tiffany Truong
Internal Vice President
Mohraiel Matta
External Vice president
Athalia Zhou
Science Council Representative
Madelyn Isaacs
Ngoc Chau Nguyen
Mentorship Chair
Kenia Velasco
Public Relations Chair
Hasti Abbasi Kenarsari
Social Chair
Lesly D. Ibarra
Mohammad Husain
Daisy Tang
Ben Steichen
public static void thankYou {
2016 NCWIT SEED grant towards ACM-W chapter registration
2016-2017 Google IgniteCS program funding towards the FWD Conference
Club of the Year Award in 2020-2021, 2021-2022, and 2022-2023

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Please only use a valid CPP email address.
© 2023 sheCodes.
Coded by Mohraiel Matta